Why join PSCS?

Philippine Society for Cosmetic Science Inc is the only organization recognized by the prestigious International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC) in the Philippines. IFSCC is a global association of 16,000 cosmetic chemists in 79 countries. We are also one of the founding members of Asian Societies of Cosmetic Scientists. We uphold the vision and mission of our founders.
PSCS has been the technical partner for Philippine FDA , academe , manufacturers and suppliers . Nurturing our cosmetic scientists throughout its 40 years of existence and many more years to come by providing linkage to international events and educations.

Our members are based on individual membership and automatically member of IFSCC.
Our core value is providing a channel to raise our Filipino scientists for a higher ground in such way they can contribute for a better and beautiful Philippines toward the whole world. We believe that Filipino scientists can improve and support cosmetic products in scientific way for the advancement of cosmetic science worldwide.

Our Mission
We are a leading center for research and a venue for the dissemination of cosmetic scientific information for practitioners and professionals in the cosmetics science and its ancillary products. Through active engagements with the government, academe, and international cosmetics scientific entities, we shall maintain and promote a high level of technical, professional, ethical practices and standards in the cosmetic sciences.

Our Vison
We are the recognized leading professional organization that promotes high ethical standards and provides scientific and technical advancement of practitioners and professionals engaged in the science of cosmetics and its ancillary products.